had a weird, weird dream this morning. i was in a green room (like backstage, not just green) with all the guys in my department. we were dressed normally, but some of the guys were nervous. and then we walked into the main theater in the fine arts building at uk (but slightly bigger and with sickly green walls) and filed down to the front. the place was packed. we headed to the stage, where there were risers, and we went to the back row on the left (stage right) and went to our seats. in my seat i saw my trumpet, which i haven't seen in about three years. in fact, the whole engine code team (plus me) were the trumpet section, and the double-E hardware guys were on coronet and flugelhorn. we were all talking about how long it had been since we'd played, and i was seriously concerned as to whether i'd be able to hit the high notes without rupturing something. i didn't recognize anybody in any of the other sections or in the audience --- they were all like 3D cardboard cutouts of people, non-descript, and devoid of individuality and personality, except that all the males looked like Ken and all the females looked like one of the big-haired beached whales i went to high school with. i was watching the conductor, but i couldn't actually see him... i don't understand that one. and about the time we started to put our horns up to our mouths, my alarm went off.
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:18:49