Check out these really bizarre things:

in particular....

      February 4, 1998
Mr. Speaker, what a world. Frazzled Frances Wyndham believes she got
pregnant during a sexy e-mail exchange by a paramour 1,500 miles away.
That is right: pregnant.

Frances said, and I quote, `His words were so sexy, I was totally
seduced.' Talk about instant connection. This is immaculate reception,
Mr. Speaker.

And if that is not enough to crash our hard drive, think about the legal
implications. What is next? Bill Gates paying child support? Microsoft,
my eye.

Mr. Speaker, it is time for Congress to act. The computers do not need a
V-chip; Internet needs a chastity chip. I would say, `Beam me up,' but
that may be a new delivery system for e-mail.